The Truth about Depression and Energy Healing

depression energy healing

It's a fact that many people around the world suffer from depression. An approximate number of those suffering from this state of mind would be a whopping 264 million people. That's why depression has become like an invisible epidemic and thus has afflicted many souls. The WHO ranks depression as one of the most disabling diseases. Clinical figures around the world also suggest that depression has affected 20 percent of the world population. This is just an estimate; the real number is thought to be much higher.

Depression has thus, rightfully received a lot of publicity. Those who suffer from it tend to hide their condition. These days, the medical community approaches depression as a disease. And many people who suffer from depression feel ashamed and usually judge themselves as weak beings. They see that they cannot get themselves out of somber moods and sadness. Usually, when people are experiencing depression, it is hard for them to escape the feeling that they are a failure, and their future seems hopeless.

In psychotherapy and psychiatry, depression can be defined as: “A state of mind producing a serious, long-term lowering of enjoyment of life or inability to see a happy future.” It is a duration of unhappiness or low morale that lasts longer than several weeks and may include ideation of self-inflicted injury or suicide.

It is worth noting that the word depression is a big topic in our everyday conversations. Most people tend to misuse this word when they use it in their daily conversations. In fact, getting annoyed or sad isn't a sure sign of depression. Life is always bringing a lot of difficulties that we will normally respond to with a wide range of emotions. These include anxiety, sadness, resignation, confusion, grief, and frustration.

It is therefore important to understand that moods are cyclical. Certain, so-called “negative” emotions would be a normal way of responding to a tough event, (if that is our neurological makeup,) and these emotions will reduce on their own in time. If they stay for a longer time, for instance, when someone loses a job or if one of their family members dies, depression can be accepted as a conventional diagnosis.

When it comes to diagnosing depression, it is important to note that it is not one single disorder. This is because there can be several types of depression. So, for a major depressive disorder diagnosis to be made, a person is supposed to experience at least five of the following signs in a period of two weeks:

-having a markedly diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities

-having depressing moods such as sadness, emptiness and being tearful

-significant weight loss when you are not dieting, or abrupt weight gain; increased or decreased appetite for snacks and food.

-having insomnia or hypersomnia. This is sleeping too little or too much.

-showing signs of slowed thoughts and also physical movements

-having feelings of worthlessness; excess, or inappropriate guilt.

-having a loss of energy and fatigue

- having a diminished ability to think or concentrate

-having suicidal thoughts

Having five or more of the above signs and symptoms can mean that you have a depressed mood or rather a diminished interest or pleasure before you can actually be considered medically depressed. The manual used by doctors to diagnose mental disorders also recognizes other types of depression. They include the following:

1: Dysthymia

2: Postpartum depression

3: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

4: Atypical depression

5: Bipolar disorder

-Dysthymia is a mild and chronic depression. It is supposed to be present for at least a period of two years for a diagnosis to be made.

-Postpartum depression starts after a woman has given birth, and this one may get critical as time goes on.

-The seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that usually arises as the days grow shorter in both autumn and winter.

-Atypical depression is manifested by moods that worsen or improve in direct response to occurring events. Overeating, oversleeping, and exhaustion can also manifest it.

-Bipolar disorder is sometimes called manic depression. It is a very complicated disorder in which one cycle between periods of major depression and extreme elation or mania.

There are many factors that can lead to depression. The list can very so long, but a few of them will be mentioned here. These are:

-genetic predisposition

- death or loss of a loved one

-major life events such as a relationship break-up

-other mental illnesses

-alcohol and substance abuse

-childhood trauma

-certain medications

-personal problems such as financial constraints or loss or lack of a job

-serious illness


These manifestations have one thing in common; they distract the normal balancing of hormones in the body and also alter the state of mind. And thus, they are responsible for physiological changes in the body and psychological changes of the mind.

It is also imperative to note that one may experience depression due to some underlying nutrient, vitamin or mineral deficiencies in the body. Nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are important for your mental health. Symptoms such as stress, anxiety, and depression arise when these vital items are out of control. If you are experiencing depression, it's worth checking to see if you are lacking in these nutrients, vitamins and minerals. These would be B Vitamins, Iron, Iodine, Vitamin D, Selenium, Magnesium, and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Also Gut Health can contribute to depression as well. Leaky gut is when the digestive walls become permeable to food particles, seeds, microbes and other items that shouldn’t be allowed to spill into your internal circulation — the blood stream. This can contribute to a variety of signs ranging from anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome and of course, depression.

So, seeking a thorough medical check-up and letting your healthcare practitioner know about your concerns about depression would be essential and helpful.


How Energy Healing Helps

Although nobody knows the exact cause of depression, it is clear that it is a state of internal imbalance. They are so many options that you can use when dealing with depression. These are aimed at re-balancing yourself. The first option would be recognizing that you are depressed and in dire need of help. It is important to note that balance is very crucial when it comes to the functioning of the body and also, the mind. So any treatment that targets the restoration of the balance to your mind, spirit and body physiology will also help you to return to a natural state of optimal-being.

One method of treating depression and anxiety is meditation. This has been known as a powerful treatment in terms of relieving both stress and mild-to-moderate depression. Numerous studies have been done to examine the outcomes of mindfulness meditation. These studies are designed to focus the meditator's attention on the present moment. For instance, one of the studies measured electrical activity in the brain and noticed increased activity in the left frontal lobe during meditation that is mindfulness. This activity in the left frontal lobe of the brain is associated with having lower anxiety and also a much more positive state of emotions. 1

Another method of treating depression would be the use of Energy Healing. Certain powerful methods of Energy Healing, such as those used in Medical Intuition System (M.I.S. the power behind LifeUnBlocka,) use applied quantum physics to get rid of mental, intuitive, and emotional unconscious habit patterns, or blocks, efficiently to ease stresses that a person might be going through. These energy blocks have the tremendous impact of keeping you away from creating and living your most abundant and extraordinary life.

When the root energy blocks, or unconscious habit patterns are resolved, whole layers of similar blocks built upon them, are also resolved. These unconscious habit patterns are usually so familiar, that we usually don’t have any idea that they are doing what they are doing.

Here are some core
beliefs present

  • I 

  • I

  • I 

  • I 

  • I

  • I

  • I

  • I

  • I 

  • I 

  • I

  • I


These blocks may have become so familiar to you that they seem real to you. This only increases their power. This becomes a vicious cycle that can only be broken by awareness.

The reason why Energy Healing is so efficient is based on the fact that the healings are done from a zero point in the energy field. This, on other terms, is known as the Source Energy or space of the Infinite Possibility. It works on a very deep root cellular level. We see that from this space, a person will immediately align himself with the most genuine, whole, and very powerful aspect of himself and thus creating an environment whereby profound healing takes place. Efficient Energy Healing should work to align the person back to this space; where they are already whole and complete.


Because a person may have had the above beliefs for many years, even decades sometimes, it will take time to clear and heal these blocks and for new, empowering beliefs to take root and grow.

If you or any other person is struggling with depression or are caring with a friend, family, or a loved one with depression and anxiety and would like immediate relief, support, and healing, it would be very wise to reach out to those who can efficiently and effectively help you. Acknowledging that one is depressed is the most important part of the healing process. Then one can proceed on with the available methods of treatment.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357), (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service) or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.



  1. Lutz A, Brefczynski-Lewis J, Johnstone T, Davidson RJ (2008). "Regulation of the Neural Circuitry of Emotion by Compassion Meditation: Effects of Meditative Expertise". PLoS ONE. 3(3): e1897. Bibcode:2008PLoSO...3.1897Ldoi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001897PMC 2267490PMID 18365029.


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