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"Tinesha has been giving me remote healings for 12 months. The healing energy she sends is incredibly nurturing. It is deep and resonates on multiple levels in my body. She is able to shift emotional and physical blockages in a meaningful way. Tinesha is a very caring, loving and professional person. She is very committed to helping people and puts in her very best in the work that she does "

Preeya Lakhani

"After I got the healing it became very clear to me what I needed to do next and I did. Im very thankful for that because I felt I was in a stalemate, and it helped tremendously. I had issues with my shoulder and I couldnā€™t lift it much above my waist, I reached out to Tinesha again, and she did another healing on me, and Iā€™m able to move my arm completely back up. Tinesha thank you vey much, youā€™ve helped me more than you can ever imagine."

Randy Murchland

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